Dear Parents,

You can refer a friend and get $150 credited to your account after your friend finishes 6 months at Math Genie. 

The $150 credit will automatically be credited to your account after the 6th month. 

Following rules apply. 

1. One of your children needs to be currently enrolled Math Genie student when the $150 gets credited

2. You get $150 credit per family. So if you refer a friend who enrolls 1 or more kids you will get $150 credit.

3. If you have more than 1 child. Only one child's account will get credited. 

4. There is no limit to the number of friends you can refer. 

5. Your friends needs to give your name during the registration process. We will not honor referral requests after the registration is done. 

6. You can go to the parent Portal and add your referrals there. We will contact them and let you know when they sign up.